
Apparently 62% of adults are celebrating Valentine’s Day this year!


       - Suzannah Mitchell - 


Apparently 62% of adults are celebrating Valentine’s Day this year - To me this percentage is pretty high considering most people you ask reply “it’s just another day” and brush off any hopes of a romantic gossip.

People in the UK love to spend their money on all of the tacky love themed presents. About 8 BILLION love hearts are made a year! – That’s enough to stretch from Rome to Arizona 20x! (I googled it).


 On average a man will tend to spend around £150 where as a woman only £74! Surely there is cheaper ways to tell someone “I fancy you"




In different parts of the world Valentine’s Day is celebrated rather differently! 

  • In Japan it’s the birds who spoil the men in hopes that they’ll return the favour by surprise at some point later in the year! – With no official repay day I’m sure it can be a bit of a cop out.


  • In South Korea single people eat black noodles (a dish that mourns and celebrates single life!) YAY – I I predict this will Beyoncé’s next album inspiration *watch this space*.


This year I am following Estonia’s traditions and celebrating the actual day with friends rather than my boyfriend. We are all going out on the raz, playing Bongo’s bingo and renaming the occasion “GAL-entines day” in honour of our girl gang. I myself have a boyfriend so will take great pleasure in pushing my friends into people embarrassingly chanting “KISS KISS KISS” at them.


Valentine’s Day should be about the people you love so if so, why not your friends!




To all the singletons out there hope is not lost! You no longer need to sit in and cry into your black noodles wondering when you’ll find that fish that everyone keeps assuring you there’s plenty of.  You can instead strawpedo some lambrini, put on your dancing shoes and go out with the people you love most!


GAL-entines day is the future.




Photo credit Amy Coney Art & Design. Check her out on FB!