
Exam season survival tips found here!


I can't wait to sit my exams!

(said no-one ever!) 


Its here, exam time. Get over it and get it done. The summer is just around the corner and you absolutely do not want to be resitting. The summer is about family, friends, holidays & festivals and definately NOT about resits! It's worth giving it your final last push.... 



Exam time is upon us, here's our top tips to see you through!


1) Coffee

Come on, drink up!


2) Sleep

The mind only works properly if you rest it. Fact


3) Set goals.

Trade 2 hours revision for a nice cold pint... or a mars bar, whatever floats your boat.


4) Team motivation

Housemates gather! You’re in it together and you most certainly don’t want to be the one resitting in the summer!


5) Exercise

Sitting down isn’t always the one, download yourself a relevant book/podcast or revision guide and go for a nice walk. Being outdoors and revising is refreshing and stimulates the mind.


6) Start studying AT LEAST 1 week before the exam

Give yourself a fighting chance!


7) Plan something big as a reward

A festival, holiday, sky diving!! 


8) PG: parental guidance.

They do always say some calming yet motivating words. Plus they love you, that always helps.


9) Eat well.

Sugary foods actually tire you out. Eat healthy and often including lots of carbs and protein to keep your brain active.


10) Finally, keep calm.

No-one conquered the world freaking out!



You totally got this!! 


Good luck.