
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” – The best things about going home for Christmas!

~ Fabienne McCormick, Liverpool ~


Most people believe that the life of a student is very easy, in their eyes we fall out of bed at 3pm, go to a few hour-long classes and eat. However, although it may seem and sound simple, surprisingly enough trying to attempt all of this with a three-day hangover is a task of its own.

The month of December is no exception. Although instead of late nights in a bar enjoying the life that is truly for us… we are “enjoying” late nights in the library trying to cram in our 4,000-word assignments. The sweet words of “I’m going home for Christmas soon” is the only thing that can keep us going. The feeling of knowing that in less than two weeks we will be positioned horizontally on a sofa facing a fire and hopefully being treated like the royalty we know we are. Ahh Bliss.


Christmas is an amazing time of year with lots of love and cheer. Here are what we believe to be the best things about heading home for Christmas as a student!


1) One of the greatest Christmas questions: “Is there anything special you would like in for Christmas?”

Before even heading on your voyage home, getting asked one the greatest Christmas questions is truly the beginning of it. It is the only time of year you get to send an endless list of what food you want stocked and not feeling the slightest bit guilty for ordering it or eating it! “I’ll have 20 boxes of after- eights and a cart load of hummus please”


2) The main event... CHRISTMAS DINNER!

Waking up on Christmas morning to open your presents, eating a full box of celebrations for breakfast, moving on to an endless supply of cheese and crackers. Then begins the start of the Christmas coma... The one you’ve been preparing mentally and physically for since last Christmas, the Christmas dinner! Struggling to make it through each course but still ensuring that you enjoy every bit because in a few hours you’ll want nothing more than to go back to that moment and eat it all again. Then we move onto the turkey and ham sandwiches…


3) The reunion with Friends and Family

Although what seems like a million years since we’ve last seen our wonderful friends and family may only be a few weeks, there is nothing like a Christmas reunion to bring even more love and joy to the festive season! Having cosy Christmas nights in with the fam bam and a few festive sips with the gang, there is nothing like being back home for Christmas to make you appreciate and love them even more!




Since we have been born presents have been what Christmas is all about. However, as we get older we begin to realise that Santa doesn’t always come. When this sad time finally arrives, this is when we should invest in relationships.

Although getting to see your other half is one of the best things about going home for Christmas. There is nothing better than opening your hand-picked presents. The excitement of wondering if they managed to pick up on your endless hints of what you wanted for Christmas. From a new TV to a new dressing gown ... let’s hope they’ve been listening to our “subtle” hints for the past three months.


5) No University work means more time for Christmas films!

If you have decided to be strategic about university work, you will have majority of it completed before your departure home for the festive season! Which means A LOT more time to watch and re-watch our favourite Christmas films. The fire lit, Christmas decorations up, day two of pyjama’s and the classics on the telly. Elf, Santa Claus, Home Alone and Miracle on 34th street is just a few of what Christmas should consist of!

6) Christmas Naps

If there is one thing that is an absolute must at Christmas especially as a student is to take full advantage of nap time! There is nothing like being able to enjoy a full 2-hour nap without a house mate knocking on your door to drag you out of bed or having to get up for a dreadful 9am lecture. Nap time is a special time, enjoy every ounce of it over this Christmas time!



We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope that you enjoy all our favourite things about Christmas as much as we do!