
How to cope with stress and anxiety at University.


First we must start with saying that it is completely normal to feel anxious or stressed throughout any year of university. When you’re living away from home without the comforts of mum, dad or guardian things can get on top of you when you add university life and work into the mix.





Where does this feeling come from?

Suddenly you’re living in a flat with new people in a new city going out 4 times a week, completing essays and having to fend for yourself ultimately this can make you feel very overwhelmed.

It’s important you realise this feeling is normal, many other friends will be feeling this way.




Here are some ways to help curb some of these feelings:


  • Talk about it.

Don't be scared to pick up the phone. If you’ve got a close housemate or friend it’s always a good idea to share these feelings, even if that person can’t say anything to make your anxiety go away often just vocalising a feeling like this can feel a lot better. 




If you don’t feel comfortable discussing this with a friend or family member at home there are plenty of other avenues to get help.



Examples of support groups:

Anxiety UK


ReThink Mental Illness 



  • Exercise

Exercise can help with stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins; hormones which make you feel happy. Particularly aerobic exercises really help with encouraging your brain to release serotine, this can immediately make you feel less stressed and improve your mood.



Examples of good exercises to participate in:

  • Running or walking
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Aerobics classes



Learn to relax

As well as aerobic exercises there are other forms of exercise which are good to calm us down when we are feeling a little chaotic and allow us to unwind.

A gentle yoga practise is a great way to relax. By concentrating on breath and stretching, you allow yourself to feel more grounded and less tense. This tends to help people clear the mind, even if it is just for an hour or so.

Cut down on caffeine

Caffeine can often make you feel more anxious than normal, especially if you drink it later on in the day. It can disrupt your sleep and speed up your heartbeat. If your sleep deprived, usually this means we don’t have the same ability of controlling anxious feelings.


If you are struggling with any form of stress or anxiety contact your Universities student services.