
How to do Christmas right on Netflix!


Tom Mconnell - Loughborough University 


FACT, the best thing about Netflix is you can watch it on your laptop/tablet making it easier to escape your Mum watching a two hour episode of EastEnders on Christmas day. So I thought following on from my earlier post I wrote about what to watch on Netflix, this one will give you the ultimate low down of what to choose on Netflix 2017, Christmas style






1) Nativity

The feel good British film including lead star Martin Freedman who’s planning his school’s nativity. This will make you feel happy as soon as you finish it, the songs are catchy and you’ll find yourself singing them for days after. A must watch in my opinion!


2) Home Alone

Not really a Christmas film but it is one a lot of people associate with Christmas. The film starring Macaulay Culkin who plays a whiz kid whose house is burgled on Christmas Eve is another feel-good story that you will love!


3) Arthur Christmas

Santa’s clumsy son Arthur gets put on a mission with St. Nick's father to give out a present they misplaced to a young girl in less than 2 hours. An animated adventure comedy starring James McAvoy as Arthur, it’s rated incredibly highly on Netflix which means you should watch it!


4) Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure

When Santa’s bag of toys gets stolen, there is only one person for the job! Beethoven the dog of course! This is another uplifting film that will get you right in the spirit for all the festivities.


5) Scrooged

A modernization of the Charles Dickens classic, if you like the original then I’m sure you’ll like this one. An ideal movie to watch with your family when there is nothing else on, it’s something everyone will enjoy no matter what age you are.



All these can be watched in a couple of hours so you'll still have time to hit the pub with your freinds for some beers! Or if you're feeling the after math of the Christmas blues then get in bed and crack on with them all! Enjoy.


Merry Christmas!