
5 things you just can’t avoid during Fresher’s Week.

You’ve just started a crazy new life in a brand new city. It will be your biggest adventure of your life so far. Whether your half way through fresher’s week or just finished, here’s our 5 most inevitable happenings from fresher’s week. 



Fresher’s Flu

Unless you’re the kid who doesn’t want to socialise and wants to hide in your room, you will get Fresher’s Flu. It comes from a mixture of excessive drinking, not enough sleep, a fast-food diet, stress and anxiety. You are not alone, we’ve all been there. Keep drinking lots of water, stay in at least 2 nights, top up on sleep and fill yourself with Berocca. You’ll be back out in no time.


Student Loan = GONE.

Oooops, everyone gets a little excited about receiving their student loan. Within one week you’ve paid for your accommodation, bought everyone in the pub a drink, been to the student discount night at Topshop and its gone. We recommend making a budget and if all else fails, ask mum and dad!


The dreaded Fresher’s Stone.

Otherwise known as the Fresher’s Flab! You’re going to feel a little heavy. For the last few weeks you’ve indulged in takeaways, beers, wine and all the rest. Make sure you don’t let it get you. Join a gym!


The Fire Alarm becomes a very familiar sound.

Either you or your mates keep burning cheese on toast or there’s always one guy who thinks it’s funny to keep setting it off for a laugh. Either way it’s NOT funny when you’re stood outside for half an hour in the cold in your dressing gown!


9am lecture? I think not!

In your first couple of weeks it’s kind of expected.Just make sure throughout the rest of year you make up for it. Get there on time and meet your course mates and get that thing you’re at University to get… a Degree!