Christmas cash
Condor Properties suggest five ways to make money this Yuletide.
It might be the season to be jolly, but there’s nothing cheery about doing your Christmas shopping with a maxed-out overdraft and a pocket full of shrapnel. We’ve been there and feel your pain, which is why we have come up with these savvy suggestions to help you earn some extra cash this Crimbo…
Try Christmas temping
If you are prepared to put in a bit of graft and work slightly antisocial hours, then Christmas can be a very lucrative time of the year for students. Enrol at all your local employment agencies and wait as they bombard you with offers of work – the more agencies you sign up to the more choice you have. Shifts in retail, restaurants and bars are particularly common this time of the year – and relatively social too.
Become a wrapper
No, we’re not advising you moonlight as an MC but that you start your own gift-wrapping service. Cash rich, time poor people don’t want to waste valuable hours getting tied up with Sellotape and wrapping paper, so there’s definitely money to be made doing their dirty work. Advertise your new found skills on social media, in the local newspaper and even in shop windows. The best thing about this work is that it can be done while you watch Christmas films and quaff mince pies.
Go busking
If you can string a few songs together, then wrap up warm, don your Santa hats and do a bit of busking. The footfall on the high street this time of the year is phenomenal and, what with this being the season of good will and all that, people are feeling generous. Our advice is to learn a few Christmas numbers quick smart and play near a pub or anywhere selling mulled wine – tipsy people tend to be better tippers, plus they won’t realise how out of tune you are!
Offer a babysitting service
The Christmas period can be a bit of a headache for parents; there’s shopping to be done and parties to attend, but also children to look after. That’s where you come in. Take advantage of parents’ busy Christmas calendars by advertising your babysitting services. The kids are particularly easy to entertain this time of the year; you can sit them in front of festive films, play games or regale them with tales of Santa while they drift off to sleep. Easy.
Get behind the wheel
As we all know, drinking and driving don’t mix. So let your parents and their friends do the boozing while you chauffer them around this Christmas. It’s cheaper than a taxi for them and a good opportunity for you to earn a few extra quid for delivering drunken middle aged people to their destinations – although you might have to get over the weird role reversal.
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